If you are unlucky enough to get a parking ticket or are clamped do follow these tried and tested rules.
What to Do If You Get A Parking Ticket!
Just remember "SEGAL"
S - STAY CALM - If you believe that the parking ticket was issued incorrectly and the parking attendant is there be calm and dignified. Tell him/her the reasons why you believe that the ticket is incorrect and ask him to record what you say in his notebook. Make sure he/she does so. If he/she refuses you should make a formal complaint as soon as possible.
E - EXAMINE - Examine the parking tickets and ensure all details are correct
- (1) The date of issue is shown on the parking ticket not just on the tear-off slip
- (2) The date of the alleged contravention or infringement is shown on the parking ticket not just on the tear-off slip
(Important Note: Under United Kingdom law both items 1 and 2 MUST BE SHOWN on the actual parking ticket for the ticket to be lawful)
- (3) your vehicle's registration number or license plate is correct. If it is not under United Kingdom law and the law of many other jurisdictions it is not valid.
- (4) the colour of your vehicle is correct. Minor differences may not be legally significant (e.g. silver instead of white) but major differences might.
- (5) the place where the alleged contravention or infraction took place is correct. If it is not this will be a useful defence in fighting or appealing the ticket.
- (6) the date is accurate - it is not unknown for parking tickets to have the wrong date of issue!
- (7) the time is the parking ticket was given to you or you saw it being put on your car you would be able to know if it is accurate. But say you arrived at your car at 8 pm and found the parking ticket there and the ticket shows it was written out at 10 pm the same day this would be strong evidence to overturn the ticket.
- (8) the period of time that the parking attendant observed your car before issuing the ticket is accurate or reasonable. In particular check that this time ties up with the time the ticket was issued so that the time of issue in (7) above is not before the observation period ended.
GATHER - Gather information about the area -
- parking signs -were the signs clear to read, were they hidden from view- if at night were they illuminated? -
- yellow lines etc.
- time of day - if at night or dusk were street lights on?
- weather- was it raining- was it sunny- cloudy- misty
- Visibility
- everything that could help you - more is better than less.
- Take photographs (digital if you can)
A - APPEALNOW - Appeal against the parking ticket NOW. Do not wait for it to become payable in full- that's why my website is called not 1.Make sure that you explain the circumstances under which you received your parking ticket. 2. Put in any information above which you think will help your case. 3. If you were doing something which exempts you from getting a parking ticket e.g. picking up or dropping off a passenger particularly an elderly person or young child include that. 4. Similarly if you were legally allound to load or unload at the time and were doing so include this in your appeal. Send a COPY (never originals) of any supporting evidence - e.g. delivery note or an invoice. 5. If you displayed a pay and display ticket but the civil enforcement officer issued that parking ticket because he/she claimed you did not include a copy of the pay and display ticket. 6. If you had to park because of a medical emergency include all the relevant information. 7. If you spoke to the civil enforcement officer then include what you said in your appeal as the civil enforcement officer should have written the conversation in his/her notebook. 8. If there are any mitigating circumstances include that in the appeal.
L - LAST RESORT - As a last resort you can appeal to the excellent Parking Adjudication Service - it's free and the adjudicators are independent.
© 2003-2013 Barrie Segal
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