After Dinner Speaking - Listen to Barrie Segal, the UK's leading parking ticket expert, talk about how to fight those unfair penalty charge notices. Hear about the hilarious stories he has uncovered about parking tickets in the UK and around the world. Barrie is frequently interviewed for his expertise by the BBC, ITV, international TV Companies and national and international newspapers.
Barrie Segal, the founder of, is the UK's leading Parking Ticket Expert.
In 2006 he successfully challenged the legality of three London council's parking tickets. As a result parking tickets, generating £300 million, were declared illegal and unenforceable
One of the above cases ended up in the High Court where Barrie represented the motorist in the famous High Court case commonly referred to as the "Moses - v- Barnet" case which decided that millions of parking tickets issued by UK local authorities were invalid and unenforceable. As a result, over 6 million parking tickets worth over £300 million were invalidly issued! Barrie continues to represent individual and large companies in challenging their unfair parking tickets
He has been featured on TV on many occasions, including appearances on Tonight with Trevor Macdonald, the BBC Breakfast Show and the Richard Hammond Show where Richard introduced him as "The UK's leading parking ticket expert" and Channel 4's "Richard Wilson on Hold".
Barrie is now undertaking a number of after dinner speaking engagements where he talks about the many funny, sad and just plain outrageous examples of bizarre parking tickets that he has discovered.
Nobody likes to get a parking ticket, and, let's face it, we all think that the one we get is unfair. But Barrie Segal will open your eyes to some of the more incredible parking ticket scams that are in his files.
Here is a quote from one organisation "Thank you for being our guest speaker. I know that I speak for everyone when I say that it was a most enjoyable, entertaining and informative evening. I notice that you had difficulty in getting away as some of our members wanted to continue into the night!!!"
If your company or organisation would like Barrie Segal to talk about hilarious parking tickets, parking ticket scams and the parking ticket appeal system please contact him on 0207 193 9757 Overseas (international +44 (0)2071939757 or e-mail™ Reversing the charges™
Trust for advice about parking tickets.