It is very distressing to receive a Charge Certificate, Order for Recovery or Bailiff letter or visit if you have lodged all your appeals on time and/or completed the necessary Witness Statement or Statutory Declaration in time.
It is important to keep calm and make sure that you have all your paperwork to hand
It is very useful to draw up a time line giving details of the documents received and sent as well as the actions (e.g. 'phone calls) in a list.
You may find the list below helpful to copy and paste into a spreadsheet.
Click here for a detailed examination of Orders for Recovery , Witness Statements and Bailiff Visits
Please remember that if a "parking ticket" or "moving traffic contravention penalty charge notice (PCN) is issued by CCTV camera the PCN is treated as a Notice to Owner and if the appeal is turned down by the council the next stage is an appeal directly to the Parking Adjudicator. This is VERY important because if you miss this appeal you have lost your right to appeal.!
Date of Document or phone call
Date Received
Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)
Payment Made?
Appeal to Local Authority or TFL
Reply from the authority
Notice to Owner (NTO)
Payment Made?
Appeal to Local Authority or TFL
Notice of Rejection
Payment Made?
Appeal to Parking Adjudicator
Letter of Acknowledgement from the Parking Adjudicator
Decision Letter from the Parking Adjudicator
Payment Made?
Charge Certificate
Payment Made?
Phone Call?
Order for Recovery
Payment Made?
Witness Statement or Stautory Declaration made? If so give information.
Bailiff Letter
Bailiff Visit
© Barrie Segal 2009,2010 & 2011

Click on the follwing link for more on the subject of Order for Recovery