The™ 2011 Annual Award for the craziest parking tickets. Not forgetting those crazy councils! And watch our for more coming soon.
For the latest Crazy Parking Ticket Awards Buy Barrie Segal's Best Selling "The Parking Ticket Awards: Crazy Councils, Meter Madness & Traffic Warden Hell" is pleased to announce the winner of its latest Annual award for the craziest parking ticket handed out in in the UK and the rest of the world.
Barrie Segal, the founder of said, " scoured the length and breadth of the UK to find the craziest parking ticket. This year's joint winners are worthy successors to Bugsy the Manchester Bunny Rabbit that won the first year's award.
Because we found so many worthy contenders we have given a list of runners-up and also a Special Category award. announces its third annual award for the craziest parking tickets handed out in 2005.
Manchester's Bunny Boiler
The first year's runaway winner was Bugsy the Manchester Bunny Rabbit which was given a parking ticket. See picture.
What can have been going through the Parking Attendant's mind to slap a parking ticket on a rabbit hutch?
Unbelievable - but true!
You can crash - just don't stop here!
In 2004 it was Nadhim Zahawi, who got a parking ticket after he broke his leg in a car accident.
As he was being put into the ambulance with its lights flashing, and with a nearby police car attending, his damaged bike was given a £100 parking ticket.
There is no compassion when a quota has to be met!
And this year the awards go to ...
Crazy Parking Ticket Award 2005™ from™

- Transport for London AND Wandsworth which gave parking tickets to the Thames whale rescuers while they were rescuing the whale even though they had been given police permission to park! AND Kensington & Chelsea Council who have issued thousands of bailiff's letters for alleged parking offences going back as much as 5 years ago!
- The plastic surgeon who is not a plastic surgeon. A brain transplant is required for the parking attendant who gave repair man Stewart Massey, who runs a business fixing plastic windows called "Plastic Surgeon" because he didn't park in the doctor's car park but instead parked in the visitor's car park. The parking attendant told him "You are a plastic surgeon; you should be in the staff car parking area." As Mr. Massey said, if I was a plastic surgeon I'd be driving a Ferrari and not an old van!" Vinci Park, the parking contractors, said they will investigate the matter.
- A National Blood Service truck was given a parking ticket whilst donors were lying down inside, giving blood. The parking attendant told the driver he did not have permission to be in a parking bay outside offices but the donors said they had been giving blood in the same spot for 4 years without trouble. Eventually Sutton Council waived the fine. According to Sutton Council, the parking attendant made a simple error of judgment.
- Mr. Bob Thackery (78) and Mrs. Lucy Rawsthorne (79) got a parking ticket after allegedly the windscreen wiper blocked the Disabled Driver's Badge expiry date. Mr. Thackery, who was in the RAF and served in Wellington Bombers and Spitfires during the War, said that it felt as though the Council are victimising us. According to Pendle Council's Highway Department, the warden was only carrying out his job!
- A Westminster traffic warden gave tickets to four cars in the cortege at a funeral whilst mourners paid their respects. Officials at the funeral director, Leverton & Sons who in 1997 conducted Princess Diana's funeral, said they only tried to stop Warden WS 5034 as he issued the parking fine on two of the vehicles. Westminster Council said: "Ticketing a funeral procession is obviously not ideal. We will look at the appeal and see what we can do if the Warden has enforced the law."
- Colin Southwell was given two parking tickets for being in two different places at the same time. Islington Council cancelled the second ticket and promised to investigate and penalise its contractor, NCP, if the complaint is upheld.
- Good Samaritan taxi driver, Misar Ahmed, who stopped to help a woman who was ill in the back of his cab promptly, got a parking ticket as he was phoning for an ambulance and moreover, why should Mr. Misar, the hero in this matter, have to appeal to the Council to have the parking ticket cancelled?
- Commiserations to Fred and Patricia Welch who got parking tickets after rushing a neighbour to a doctor's surgery after she had a seizure. The woman was later taken to hospital.
- A driver's car which was hit by a suspected joyrider and had his car smashed, received a parking ticket. Craig Gillem's Peugeot was hit by a joyrider and smashed up, for want of a better word. A heartless parking attendant gave the car a parking ticket.
- The 2,500 drivers who were wrongly issued with congestion charge fines found that the fines arose because Capita failed to switch off the cameras in Druid Street, Fair Street and Tooley Street. One would have thought that the cameras would indicate which streets the so-called contraventions took place in and it would have been easy to actually not issue or send out the fines. 2,663 innocent drivers were targeted.
- Michael Dickinson of Hendon, who parked his car legally in the morning in an area with no parking restrictions but when he returned to his car later the same day, he found a yellow line had been painted up to his car and a ticket slapped on his windscreen.
- Commiserations to Eli Ellwood and the Reverend James Alexander who were given a parking ticket for putting the Pay and Display ticket on their dashboard rather than on the windscreen. Paul Necus, Head of Parking at Cambridge City Council, said there was no rule that required parking tickets to be stuck on a vehicle's windscreen.
- Dave McSweeney was given a parking ticket after his disabled badge was partly obscured by a Poppy Day badge. Mr McSweeney is registered as disabled and a spokesman for Barking and Dagenham Council came up with the most astonishing twaddle.
- A businessman was given thirteen parking tickets in a vendetta against him by attendants and has had them overturned. Mr Yakub Ali faced a bill for £1,000 for fines but he took Newham Council to the Parking Adjudicator and won.
- Mike Fox of Salisbury Road, West Ealing, whose car was moved so that contractors from Ealing could paint yellow lines and got an £80 parking ticket in the spot where the contractors had moved the car.
- Shame on the parking attendant who gave a parking ticket to an RSPCA inspector who had parked his car next to the pavement to rescue an injured bird. This was not the first occasion that an RSPCA inspector received a parking ticket and apparently Camden Council is investigating.
- Parkinson's Disease sufferer John Bell, 73, got a parking ticket from Doncaster Council, supposedly after displaying the blue badge the wrong way up. Shame on you, Doncaster Council.
- Brewery staff who are forced to roll barrels 43 yards down a busy road to deliver them to a Cambridge pub. This is to avoid getting a parking ticket.
- The astonishing story of Roger Sailes, who got a parking ticket whilst he was paying for a parking permit. Despite that fact that Mr Sailes had two witnesses, including an off duty police officer, Croydon Council Parking Services originally rejected his appeal without speaking to either witness. This is clearly absolutely disgraceful. Subsequently, after intervention from the Croydon Guardian, the council cancelled the ticket. There is clearly something seriously wrong in the Croydon Council offices.
- War veterans who got parking tickets attending a Remembrance Day Parade
- The driving instructor who got a parking ticket when his pupil stalled during a three point turn!
International Crazy Parking Ticket Awards™
Special International Award goes to Stephen McKenzie-McHarg of Australia who because he has one arm and took longer to unload his luggage got a parking ticket
Send us your nominations for 2009!
We are now looking for The™ 2009 Annual Award nominees - e-mail awards2009 followed by the "@" followed with your suggestions.™ Reversing the charges™
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