Who are we and why do we do this? Appealnow.com is run by Barrie Segal who many of you know regularly appears on television (ITV, BBC, Channel 5, ABC News in the USA) and radio ("The Today Programme" and many more) as well as other news media giving his specialist expert opinion on parking tickets and parking ticket law. We are now in our 15th year of operation and have reviewed more than 60,000 parking tickets!
If you have received an unfair parking ticket or parking tickets you should read this page.

AppealNow.com™ was founded in 2003 by Barrie Segal. Barrie has been described by Richard Hammond of Top Gear Fame as the "UK's leading Parking Ticket Expert". He has reviewed in excess of 50,000 parking tickets. He is also the author of the best-selling book "The Parking Ticket Awards: Crazy Councils, Meter Madness & Traffic Warden Hell". As Bob Geldof KBE says on the cover "Everyone needs a Barrie Segal". He is also a much in demand after dinner speaker
Barrie's Best Selling Kindle book "Barrie Segal's Quick Guide To Fight Your Parking Ticket" is now available at a special low price. Don't Miss Out! Just click on the link above.

After Dinner Speaking: Book Barrie to speak at your corporate or charity function by clicking on after dinner speaking.
Over £300 million worth of parking tickets declared illegal!
In 2006 he successfully challenged the legality of three London council's parking tickets. As a result, £300 million of parking tickets were declared illegal and unenforceable
One of the above cases ended up in the High Court where Barrie represented the motorist in the famous High Court case commonly referred to as the "Moses - v - Barnet" case which decided that millions of parking tickets issued by UK local authorities were invalid and unenforceable. Unusually, for a non-barrister, he was allowed to address the High Court in the case. It is believed that this is the first time ever that a Chartered Accountant has been granted this privilege.
As a result, over 6 million parking tickets worth over £300 million were invalidly issued! Barrie continues to represent individuals and large companies in challenging their unfair parking tickets

Media Interest and Attention for AppealNow.com™
Barrie had a regular phone-in programmes on TalkSport Radio and is a regular contributor to numerous TV shows and radio programmes, including BBC TV’s BBC London News, Real Story, BBC3 TV News, Radio 5.and LBC Radio
Barrie has also uncovered numerous parking ticket scams and has appeared on BBC and Independent television and radio, including ITV's Tonight with Trevor McDonald, London Tonight, Richard Hammond's 5 O'Clock Show, The London Programme, the BBC's national Breakfast Show and BBC's "Don't Get Screwed" and "Richard Wilson on Hold". His most recent appearances have been on BBC London and BBC's "Don't Get Done Get Dom".
He has been featured in all the major British newspapers and internationally featured in The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune and many more.
Barrie assisted Which? Magazine's report on parking tickets which received the largest number of letters on any subject the magazine has ever received.
He has also given technical advice to many TV programmes on parking tickets, including the BBC's Whistleblowers series. He has now been asked to give after dinner speeches about the humorous, annoying and downright wicked sides of the parking ticket system.
The Crazy parking Ticket Awards
In 2003, he founded the Crazy Parking Ticket Awards to highlight the absurd way our parking ticket laws are enforced by local authorities. The first year's winner was a rabbit which had a parking ticket slapped on its hutch.
Winner of the Cannes Award for Best Viral Ad
He has also been in the forefront of viral advertising on the Internet, having commissioned three viral adverts for the AppealNow.com website. Two of those adverts won Gold Awards at the Cannes International Advertising Awards Festival and one of his viral adverts, Kicking, has been seen by an estimated 5 million people on the Internet.
You can see the ads and join in the fun here.
Barrie Segal - the scourge of the parking authorities!
Barrie has submitted evidence on parking matters to both the London Assembly and the Parliamentary Transport Committee on Parking. He also regularly represents clients before the Parking Adjudicator.
He has has uncovered along with the News of the World a major parking ticket scam.
He believes that one way to help people fight incorrect parking tickets is to use humour to highlight the lengths to which councils go to issue parking tickets. His files contain thousands of stories and anecdotes on parking tickets, clamping and tow-aways, as well as the congestion charge. He has found that the subject of parking tickets is of universal interest to motorists in Britain, few of whom have been lucky enough to escape the scourge of the parking attendant.
... And he's good with money!
In his 'other' life, Barrie is a Chartered Accountant who specialises in company turnarounds, financial advice and IT systems for business. In the mid-80s he was Managing Director in charge of U.S. Operations for an internationally famous restaurant chain and for many years was Senior Tax Partner at a well-known firm of Chartered Accountants. He has also lectured extensively on international tax, how to run an efficient and profitable business and how professional firms can improve profitability and efficiency and give great client care. He currently also runs the Zero To Hero Public Speaking Secrets Coaching Course with clients throughout the world - The link is http://zerotoheropublicspeakingsecrets.com.
AppealNow.om Reversing the charges™
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